April is National Distracted Driving Month
Distracted Driving is not Okay
According towards?National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, distracted driving claimed?3,477 lives and injured another 391,000 in 2015.
Talking or texting on the phone, eating, drinking, or?simply communicating with passengers?can all lead to distracted driving. Any scenario that diverts a persons vision within the driver from the road ahead would be the reason for a fatal accident.
In an attempt to encourage safe driving practices and habits, several organizations have got down to?campaign for and invite all drivers to pledge against distracted driving.
Take the AT&T pledge today by clicking here:?https://www.itcanwait.com/home.
Check out our other articles:
Teens and Distracted Driving
Top Ten Distracted Driving Points
Distracted Driving – Dangerous Risks