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Couples who live together ‘less likely to be burgled’


People in long-term relationships who live apart are almost thrice as likely to be burgled as couples who share a property, according to one insurer.

A survey of two,000 people commissioned by Halifax Home Insurance and executed between July and August learned that 23% of us in relationships greater than 24 months and living separately have suffered a break-in. However 8% of couples who live together said they had been burgled.

On a national scale, this would mean 980,000 couples with separate homes were victims of your burglary, costing them a combined 2.6bn over the past a few years. In line with insurance claims data from Halifax, a typical claim to get a break-in is 2,687.

A spokesman for Halifax Home owners insurance said: “Couples adopting this lifestyle are putting themselves at significant likelihood of burglary, as they simply leave their respective homes unoccupied for 40 evening hours per week while staying at their partner’s house.

“In light within the findings i’d urge these couples to make certain they may have adequate home owners insurance cover in place for the homes, and propose that they take most of the necessary security precautions to cover their properties.”

But he added that insurance fees may not be affected as the quantity of occupants at a property was already factored into assessments.

Of both the,000 people surveyed, 1,640 (82%) said these folks were inside of a relationship. Of such, 91 (5.6%) said they had been together for over 2 years but would not experience their partner, up from three.9% Decade ago.

The research also uncovered explanations why people delay the seminal planning moment: nearly two-thirds of couples aged under 25 wouldn’t would like to rush into sharing a property, while part of people aged over 35 said they shared a great number of possessions to suit in one location.

People within the countryside also appear more unwilling to transfer to because of their partners than city dwellers. Folks relationships residing in rural areas are together 22 months before they experience each other, when compared to 19.5 months for urban residents.

Couples in the western world Midlands and Birmingham average just 1 . 5 years before living together, whilst the Welsh keep their partners waiting 26 months.

Martyn Foulds, senior claims manager at Halifax Home owners insurance, said: “A valued a feeling of independence looks like it’s the biggest reason that couples are now taking longer to relocate in together. However, i would advise website visitors to make sure their own individual properties are fully secure if regularly staying away from home.”

Graeme Trudgill of the British Insurance Brokers’ Association recommended people install safety measures, for example a burglar alarm or lights, to keep their homes safe. He also said they should contact their insurer if their properties are unoccupied for long periods of their time as some home contents insurance policies only allow as much as Thirty day period of vacancy.

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